Waves+Heartbeat level - 2016
A year-long 5Rhythms® closed group for women
7th FEB 2016 - 20th NOV 2016
The closed group consist of five one day 5Rhythms® workshops, waves level and one full weekend of Heartbeat level of the practice. It is for the dancers that are looking for a caring embrace of depth, nourishment, inspiration and growth that naturally emerges when the same group of women get together over extended period of time.Each time we meet, we will focus on one of the 5 Rhythms in detail ~ offering ourselves again and again to the practice of the dance, and opening to the gifts and teachings it contains for our lives.
During the weekend of Open -Heartbeat workshop we will sink deeper into the rhythms of our body and heart, and explore our feelings in Heartbeat level. We will be reconnecting with the primal wisdom of the Five Emotions: the Fear that protects us, the Anger that defends us, the Sadness that releases us, the Joy that uplifts us and the Compassion that unites us.
This group is open to everyone, though we strongly recommend that you attend at least one weekly class beforehand.
This workshop counts towards future 5Rhythms® trainings as two and half days of Heartbeat level and 5 days of Waves level teaching.
7th Feb 2016, - The Body - Receiving
3rd April 2016, - The Heart- Empowerment & Reclamation
22nd May 2016- The Mind - Surrender
3rd July 2016 - The Self - Tribal Heart
23-25th September 2016- Open- Heartbeat level workshop
20th November 2016 - Completion - Trust
The womb is the seat of power in a woman's body, the gateway to her own deep knowing... How connected are you to your womb? Do you live and dance with an awareness of its intelligence? This group is an invitation to come home to your body. To find self-love and ease in your body. From this place, the powerful flow of our life awakens. Together we will dance, using the map of the 5Rhythms ® (Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, Stillness) to ground ourselves in our bodies and to connect with our wombs. We will use this knowledge to heal and experience a new feeling of power and possibility.
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms® Heartbeat Workshop is the opening of our emotional world and focuses on how each Rhythm corresponds to the essential emotions: Flowing/Fear, Staccato/ Anger, Chaos/Sadness, Lyrical/Joy, and Stillness/Compassion.
0044 7886935716